Welcome to my Programming Blog...

I am currently working on a couple of projects: An original game called "Implosion" which I am porting from Flash to the iPad, and a remake of Q*bert in Python (pygame), as part of the class I am teaching. Please feel free to use the "Labels" (at right) to follow a specific project or theme. If you are one of my Python students, I recommend that you check out the Python thread.

Monday, May 3, 2010

... Foiled again!

If you are not familiar with the game of Q*bert, you may not know that he has a bit of a potty mouth. In the game, when he gets hit by a ball or enemy, a speech balloon appears above his head with some curse characters, and a sound file plays that is sort of a grumble. I have the visual part of it working now, when he gets hit by a ball.
I don't have the snakes getting him yet, just the balls - but it shouldn't be too hard. I wonder, though, whether the snakes will be too hard to dodge. I'll have to calibrate it a bit later.


  1. Maybe make the snakes go a bit slower, it seems that the algorithm you have below makes them too accurate, so slowing them down will make up for the accuracy, and you could make the snake speed a variable in loading the levels.

  2. That's a good idea, Patrick. Currently, they bounce in place once in between bounces to follow. I think I will make them do their "stationary" bounce a little higher, and that will slow them down.
